Argenties & Escaudies – an exquisite premium wine label
Argenties & Escaudies premium wine label is a wrapping self-adhesive one. It has enough space to tell the whole new story of Chateau d’Argenties. Instead of telling it our own way, we decide to copy it from the label directly as it is told the best way there. Here it is – original, real, amazing:
“We fell in love with Argentiès & Escaudiès at first sight. Overnight, two globe-trotting city dwellers (she: Ethiopian, he: Swiss, meeting: at an Inuit concert in Los Angeles) morphed into gentlemen-farmers in a tiny French village. Today, in this property originally settled by Emperor Charlemagne in 778 AD and encompassing over 400 hectares (1000 acres) of breathtaking Mediterranean landscape in the South of France, in this untamed region of sun and wind and legends that is the birthplace of French wine and the concept of Romantic love, we delight in crafting fine wines and creating a haven for France’s other cultural exceptions: gastronomy, hospitality and film.
Our small lot, artisanal wines are made exclusively from our hand-harvested chemical-free vineyards, consisting of small parcels nestled among pine forests, wild shrubs and the limestone rocks of the Alaric Mountain. Not for devotees of wines by recipe or technology, our blends are much like improvised jazz sessions – inspired and original – which is why we make them only once. “
As you see, everything here is quite real and authentic. Staring with incredible custom bottle designed by Spanish Chef Martin Berasategui we did our best to create a one-of-a-kind label, a reflection of the romantic story told above.
Tried to make everything as simple as possible, we used hot foil, deep embossing and custom label shape to make the bottle shine even more. The capsule is very simple and shorter than usual, branded with A&E logo on rich gold background.
Honored to work for Chateau d’Argenties, we really love the result as much as we like the bottle, the story and every idea we shared with owners of the Chateau.
Client: Chateau d’Argenties / France
Bottle Design: Martin Berasategui
Design: the Labelmaker
Photo: Jordan Jelev